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Linea Voyage FAQ

What is the Linea Voyage?

The Linea Voyage is a set of weekly challenges and opportunities that will allow users to explore the Linea ecosystem and also help our engineering team validate and harden the testnet.

How will the voyage be structured?

For the next nine weeks the Linea team will release weekly challenges in partnership with the team at Galxe. We will alternate between weeks focused on on-chain activities and others that incorporate quizzes, polls and other off-chain activities for users to learn about Linea.

Will past tasks I've completed previously count towards the quest now?

There were no past tasks. Points will be awarded for tasks completed during the start date.

What incentive is there for testers and developers to participate?

For most, this will be an opportunity to learn about Linea and participate in the project of scaling Ethereum at the protocol layer. Since we’re still in testnet, we’re hoping the lower stakes will encourage new users to kick the tires, explore our ecosystem and feel connected to the global effort of scaling Ethereum.

With each challenge, users will have a chance to score points, which our partners at Galxe will track on a live leaderboard. At the end of the Voyage, users will be eligible to mint a commemorative “proof of contribution” NFT based on their position on the leaderboard. Top participants will be eligible to mint one of four unique NFTs signifying their finishing in a specific tier on the global leaderboard.

We will also have an open-edition NFT mintable by all participants (no matter their final leaderboard position) should the Linea testnet cross 30 million total transactions before the Voyage ends.

When the NFT exists, would it be possible to get it verified by OpenSea?

The NFT will be minted on Linea Mainnet on the genesis block. It will be the standard ERC721, transferable, and be bridgable on Ethereum Mainnet or other EVMs.

How do I claim points for the leaderboard?

In order for your actions to be reflected on the leaderboard, you will need to claim your points for each action that you take. Linea's partners are spread globally, so points cannot be claimed until at least 24 hours after the action has been performed.

To claim, you will need to:

  1. Perform one of our guided actions
  2. Wait at least 24 hours for that action to be reflected on the Galxe page
  3. Go to the Galxe page, connect your wallet, and claim your points

How do I get tokens on Linea to test Linea?

Please see how use our faucet here

What happens if a quest activity strains the testnet to the point of breaking?

We hope that our early community will be interested in learning more about Linea and expect a surge in volume.

We are running this during the testnet to strain the system when the stakes are lower and no one is running production workloads. We are also staggering the on-chain portions of the Voyage between sprint cycles to allow our engineering teams time to address any stress points we identify.

In the event of a bottleneck or bug arising that prevents the network from operating as usual, we may pause the challenges temporarily to address and resolve the issue. This is what we’re after! Better on testnet than on mainnet.

How do I report an issue or give feedback when testing Linea?

If you encounter an issue when testing Linea, please let us know by posting in the report an issue section of our community forum.

If you have feedback, please let us know in the feedback section of our community forum.

What can you tell us about the NFT rewards?

We are working with the same design group at Unconfined that helped us transform the artwork for our Merge campaign into the Merge: Regenesis Collection minted on the first blocks of Proof of Stake Ethereum. The NFTs will celebrate the collective effort shown by the Ethereum community, who from the Genesis Block have worked to build a sustainable, secure and scalable foundation for web3.

We will have four “editions” of the NFT, each corresponding to a threshold of activity accumulated over the course of the quest and a fifth, commemorative edition NFT that will be unblocked for all participants should we reach 30 million total transactions by the end of the Voyages.

The commemorative NFTs do not imply there will be a Linea token in the future, and we will have no obligation to participants in the Linea Voyage outside of the commemorative Linea NFT itself.

How have you determined the activities that will be included? Will some be weighted more heavily than others?

We are working with our early testnet partners to blend some on-chain with a few off-chain activities. We wanted to create some fun ways to get involved with a set of more technical tasks that actually help us validate performance of the testnet.

If I need help getting started or with one of the on-chain activities, where can I get help?

You can find guides on how to use our early testnet partners under here. If you need more help, please search or post in our community forum or join our Discord.